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Self-Hosted WordPress

Step 1

Click on the Accounts link at the top of the page and select Self-Hosted WordPress

Step 2

Download the plugin but be sure to leave it zipped

Step 3

Go back to your backend and add the plugin

Step 4

Click upload plugin

Step 5

Click Choose file and choose the zipped plugin you just downloaded.

Step 6


Once the file is chosen click Install Now

Step 7

Once it's finished installing select Activate Plugin

Step 8

Add a new user

Step 9

Choose any name, and email.  It doesn't matter what you choose as it won't be used for anything else but make sure you create the user as an "Editor"

Step 10

Once you've created the user, go back and edit the user

Step 11

Now you'll see the application password plugin you just installed and click on add new.

Step 12

Make sure to save the password that comes up somewhere safe as this is the only time it will appear.  If you lose it, you can create another one, but we recommend saving it in a safe place.

Last but not least

Copy the password and go back to Social Post Magic.  

Enter your website host which is your domain

Enter the username you created

Paste the application password and submit

Congratulations!  You just connected your WP account to Social Post Magic!

Self-Hosted WordPress - Video